
Saturday 11 October 2014

About who's deciding the aims of education

                 A few weeks ago an economist came to our class, he started talking about economy and education. In his point of view education was a good investment because the money that the country invests on education will provide great benefits. This class made me thinks about who’s deciding on education, they are economist, Isn’t weird that people who doesn’t know any of education is making its decisions? I think so, furthermore their porpoise of education will be making the best workers and I personally think this is a wrong way.

                Of course making good workers is important but I believe that education is not for, education is a right and a duty, education shouldn’t have porpoise, education is important by its own. I think that dealing with education is dealing with people and if we treat education like another investment it will probably not be the best it can be.

                So we have to start realizing that education should be decided by people who know what’s about it not people who only see it as future money,  because yes money is important but people it’s more important.

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