Nowadays, the modern school has an uniform curriculum, classes with a lot of students and divided by ages and we can't change that but what we are able to change is the tradiotional method of teaching and we could adapt those things we can't change to the principles of diversity of the class. But... What does it mean diversity of the class?
To start with, I have to clarify that the diversity of the classroom happens in every
classroom, why? Because as Gardner says in the multiple intelligences research
(which I would probably talk another day because I think is a quite interesting
topic), every kid learn in a different way so that’s what make every class full
of diversity. If education is applyed equally to every student, the differences will grow. So what diversity of the class is trying to do is to provide every
student with what they need, how do we get that? If you want to get this aim
there are two rules:
- You have to know every student, but also you have to know your class, this is to said, the whole group (how the group
work better, which are the flaws and the strengths...
- One word, FLEXIBILITY: as a teacher you have to have flexibility in the
methods, materials, classroom... This also means that you have to know perfectly
these methods, materials, evaluations... This is really important because if we
are facing the diversity of the class we have to know a lot of methods to cover
every student needs.
Maybe you
don’t have yet a clear idea about what is and what is not the diversity of the
classroom, here are some hints:
Another way of creating homogeneous
Trying everyone to understand the
same curriculum.
Proactive education which tries to
cover a range of necessities.
More qualitative that quantitative.
Based on the diagnostic: the
diagnostic isn’t just test, it is everything the the pupil does.
Multiple standpoints.
Focus on the pupil who has more responsibilities.
Combines individual learning, group
learning and global learning.
we have to make sure that the educational environment (activities, the
classroom, timetables...) encouraged each child to act to learn. Now, I’m going
to introduce you the two keys of the attention to diversity in education:
learning: each pupil has to know that he or she is responsible
of his or her education that they have to create their own knowledge.
learning: the group is
another responsible of the learning, the pupils have to get the knowledge by
working together too because each of them has some flaws and strengths so if
they work with their strengths they are going to go further and their flaws
will not impediment their learning process.
Focusing on
the topic about how the people learn better we have four keys:
sense of what they have learnt.
--Clarity knowledge.
-- Firmness knowledge.
motivated because they are learning something that they are interested in.
In general
we could have two types of students, the advanced ones and the ones who have difficulties,
as teacher we can’t deny this fact. This is just a general idea because this
may vary on different subjects, moments... Furthermore there aren’t only two
types of students but to start with we can focus in these two types.
- Advanced students could be bored
because the tasks are easy for them, so they could end up being lazy students
who haven’t acquired the habit of study. Also they could become in
perfectionists who are never happy with their work and don’t accept the
mistakes because they think having a mistake is fail. So with these students we
have to challenge them so they have to make efforts in their education and also
we could give them more responsibilities as trying to help another student who
has difficulties.
- Students with difficulties: could
end up being frustrated. As teacher we have to show them their good skills and make
sure that those subjects in whom they have problems don’t affect the other
ones. We can’t give them easy tasks so they don’t get frustrated because they have
also to make an effort in their learning, this is to say, finding a middle
point in which they make an effort but don’t get frustrated. We have to get
them to learn the important, not specific details.
We have
said that with this kind of education the group tasks are very important, here
comes the problem how should we make the groups? The diversity of the class
bet on the hetereogenous groups but we have to be careful on it, in this scheme
you can see the advanced students, the middle-level students and the students
with difficulties in a particular subject. With middle-level student I’m not
saying that there’s a standard student those are the students between the
advanced ones and the ones with difficulties. So the groups has to be
homogeneous but can’t mix an advanced student with one who has a lot of
difficulties because both are going to end up frustrated. But if you put an
advanced student with a ‘’middle-level’’ student, the advanced one can help the
other one and learn by teaching that also happens with the ones with
difficulties and the middle-level students, the middle level students can help
the ones with difficulties so neither of them gets frustrated or bored.
In this
kind of education the role of the teacher has changed, the teacher is no longer
the one who has all the information and provide it to the pupils, know the
teacher has to create a bridge between the students and the learning. That
doesn’t mean that it isn’t important the knowledge of the teacher. The teacher
has to fit the task with the class and students, of course it’s almost
impossible to cover every student needs every time but we have to try it by
using a lot of methods, materials, evaluations... so nobody is forget in this
kind of education. The teacher has to let the students chose some tasks but
also gives them some task, this has to be balanced. Both the teacher and the
students are essentials in the class so they collaborate to get the aims.
A teacher
has to create a climate of community, respect and security in the class and
also has to plan every task carefully thinking about which could go wrong and
having alternative plans. Let’s say that a teacher is a coach, a coach know the
sport deeply and so their players and the team. The coach has goals to each
player and to the team. In each practise the coach plan some individual
activities, sections activities and group activities. The coach knows how to
motivate each player and he promotes team work. He encouraged the team, makes
an effort, give instructions and give responsibilities to some players to get
his aims. But the most important thing about a coach is that he doesn’t play
the game.
In conclusion, we could summarize everything in the triangle
theory which explains that a triangle is not a triangle if it has not its three
vertexes. Every vertex is essential for education forgetting one of those would
mean that you are not educating properly.
As we have
seen, a diversity class is not easy but if we focus on it, it will be much more
educative. We have to understand how our pupils learn and how do they enjoy
learning and try to cover it as much time as possible. Something as simple as
changing the normal classroom and going to the hallway, playground... can catch
their attention so they would learn much and better. The kids has to go to the
school excited because they don’t know what they’re going to do so every day is
different. Everyday has to be a challenge for the kid.
All this
information has been provided by a book written by Tomlinson called ‘’La
diversidad del aula’’.